Saturday, September 29, 2007

The simple joys of simple technology

The purpose of technology (as I understand it) is to simply our lives and allows us to enjoy it more. As we all know, that's sadly not true.

However, I've discovered a new email reminder that lets me know when the wind is up near where I sail. It's from Sailflow and you can set it for certain wind levels. I set mine for 10 knots. I only started subscribing a few weeks ago so the opportunities to react have been few, until today. Around 1 p.m. I was resigned to watching college football and Notre Dame get their butts kicked yet again on a gorgeous late summer day with hardly a cloud in the sky. Then I got the alert shown above. Winds from the NNE at 12 knots. Perfect. I jumped out and out the door I went with my daughter. What a day, what a sail. And I am thankful for technology's role.