Saturday, August 4, 2007

Recent reads -- Never Eat Alone

Never Eat Alone
Keith Ferrazzi

One-word summary -- network. And then network some more.

To be fair (sort of) Keith has made a career of this and has some good tactical advice for those of us (myself the prime example) who like to stand in the corner alone.

Key points:

  1. Don't keep score. It's about helping others. You will benefit in the end but don't look for immediate (or even long term) payback.
  2. Be the connector between networks. We all have groups we are part of. That's easy. The real power comes from introducing those two groups.
  3. Stretch. It never hurts to try to reach high to meet with people you think would never want to associate with you.
  4. Be yourself. Nothing is worse than coming across as an opportunist.