Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I can't talk now

I am always a bit amused when I read a profile of an editor who refuses to speak to the reporter or only answers in an email.

From Michael Calderone's New York Observer profile of Portfolio and Joanne Lipman: (Link to full article.)

Ms. Lipman would only respond to questions by e-mailing a statement, which presented the Roth piece ..."

This strikes me odd for several reasons:

  1. Editors/reporters are always asking others to be quoted but when it is asked of them they are reluctant. Seems a bit hypocritical.
  2. By not answering the questions in person the editor/reporter is basically acknowledging that it's pretty scary being on the other end of the reporter's notebook.

I remember the first time I was interviewed by a newspaper reporter after working on newspapers for many years. What I thought I said and what appeared in print were vastly different. Stupid me for not being smarter.

Thus, I commend those who are rightfully cautious. But at the same time don't ask of others what you won't do yourself.