Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Nothing new in the WSJ

Is it just me or is there less to read in the Wall Street Journal these days?

Every day, when I read the paper, about half of what's in there has either been online for a while or already appeared in the New York Times. I recognize that News Corp., is trying hard to compete with the New York Times but publishing articles about subjects the reader has already heard about does not seem to be the answer.

Examples from today's front page:

-- Lead article about inflation growing around the world. (I have seen that and similar pieces in countless places.)
-- Manhunt for convicted hedge fund manager. (Seen that all over the New York Times and the local Connecticut paper.)
-- Secretive associate of Putin emerges as oil czar. (Finally, something new. But it's below the fold.)
-- Robotic vacuum cleaner fights for territory from family dog. (There we go. Something new and interesting. Again, at the bottom of the page.)

I am certainly not suggesting a heavy emphasis on robotic vacuum cleaner articles but I am suggesting they either cover more business or find a unique twist on these stories, twists you can't get anywhere else. Right now, most of what I see on there is old news.

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