Friday, March 7, 2008

Reason to not follow the America's Cup No. 474

I honestly have lost track of all the back and forth and couldn't care less anymore. (Article on latest two lawsuits.)

I am starting to think that while it's good for most things to change and for sailing to become more popular, this is not the case for the America's Cup. In the quest to making sailing and the Cup more popular it's just turned into a circus. And those who didn't understand it before now just find the whole thing plain silly.

It's all kind of sad. I used to follow this event with great glee when I was younger. I even convinced my mother to drive me to Newport for a day to view Intrepid and Courageous sitting at the dock.

The quaint days when it was raced in September by amateurs (or mostly amateurs) on Rhode Island Sound look very appealing to me.